VPCs, subnets, and gateways - fundamentals for working with containers in AWS

Let’s be honest, for most developers getting their software written and working on their own machine and maybe a test environment is the main priority. Deploying to production? Ah, that’s another team. All the AWS network ‘stuff’ - VPCs, subnets, gateways? Someone else’s business, right? Secondary to the contents of the holy Docker image and the beautiful code within. This couldn’t be further from the truth. The current trend is to developers owning their work all the way through from concept to production....

August 31, 2020 · Tom Gregory

When to create different subnets in AWS VPCs

Configuring subnets and VPCs can be confusing when you’re setting up AWS infrastructure. There’s plenty of documentation about what subnets are, and how to create them, but not necessarily when and why you’d create them. In this article you’ll learn why you’d want to create multiple subnets in the first place. First off though, here’s a quick recap of all the network related infrastructure that lives in a VPC. If you’re familiar with this, just skip to the main section of the article....

January 24, 2020 · Tom Gregory