There’s a programming language that everyone loves to hate and it smells like coffee.
But after almost 30 years, Java is still relevant and arguably more useful in many situations than languages that end in the word script.
And here are 10 reasons why.
1. Java won’t let you down
Unlike dynamic languages, where a variable can be initialised as any type, Java is static.
String myString = "This variable can be nothing but a String!";
So given a variable, you always know what kind of thing it is, which means less chance of errors. Companies love this kind of predictability so lean heavily on Java.
2. Getting started is about to get a lot easier
The big joke is how much more complicated it is to write Hello World! in Java than other languages. It’s 5 lines of mostly boilerplate code:
public class HelloWorld {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello, World!");
After years of public static void main
, Java version 21 will have unnamed classes and instance main methods to make basic Java classes more streamlined than ever.
void main() {
System.out.println("Hello, World!");
3. Half the world is written in Java
Despite what trendy languages are currently being pushed, Java is still out there doing the daily grind for companies big and small. I spent 15 years working for these companies, and they’re not planning on replacing their Java code any time this decade.
4. Java has the big boys behind it
Java is maintained by Oracle, most well-known for its popular database system. It’s also used extensively by big companies like Amazon and Google.
With backing like this, Java gets regular updates and stays current.
5. Java can build you a house or a castle
When software grows from a small project to large scale, there are new issues to address like organising code and enforcing architectures. Java has top object-oriented design features and a package system to keep your project healthy.
6. Java developers can be lazy
If you want to do something in Java, someone probably already wrote a library for it.
Libraries are packages of code that your build tool downloads from the internet. They do everything from responding to API requests to connecting to your database. You just need to glue the libraries together.
7. It’s fun to get paid to code
Because of all the reasons I’ve mentioned, Java developers are in high demand and the salaries are much higher than the average job.
According to, UK Java developers get paid more than JavaScript and Python developers. Senior Java roles can easily go over £100k.
8. Java runs everywhere
Write once, run everywhere is the language’s slogan.
That’s because your code can run on any system that has a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), including desktop applications, web servers, and smart phones.
There are 38 billion active Java Virtual Machines in the world and your code could run on any of them.
9. Java keeps getting better
A new Java version is released every 6 months, normally packed with features designed to make developers’ lives easier, like the new record syntax that makes writing data classes more concise.
Staying up to date with new releases can be a challenge, but it’s a good problem to have.
10. Modern Java developers have an easy life
Everything you need to get started is free. That includes the Java Development Kit and its compiler, code editors like IntelliJ IDEA, and build tools like Gradle.
The only limit is your ability to keep learning and improving.
If you’d like to learn how to use Java’s top build tool, check out this free Gradle course.
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