13 Simple Ways To Edit Code Faster in IntelliJ IDEA
Are you making the most of IntelliJ IDEA for basic code editing? Here are 13 time-saving shortcuts for navigating, highlighting, and moving code.
Are you making the most of IntelliJ IDEA for basic code editing? Here are 13 time-saving shortcuts for navigating, highlighting, and moving code.
With so many versions and vendors available, choosing which JDK to use can be confusing. Discover the most important facts to help you decide.
Learn everything you need to know about Java’s Optional: how it works, what problems it helps solve, and when not to use it.
Learn everything you need to know about the differences between jar and zip files, with practical tips and examples along the way.
Discover why the JDK & JRE exist, their differences & similarities, and practically how to use them.
Learn what JAVA_HOME and PATH do, when to use them, and how to set them up in Windows.
With so many Gradle plugins to choose from, are you sure you’re making the most of what’s available? If not, check out this list of the 10 best core Gradle plugins to work more effectively in Java projects. How were these plugins chosen? These are all core Gradle plugins, written by the Gradle team and bundled inside the Gradle distribution itself. That means they’re high quality and there’s no need to download them externally....
It’s hepful to separate integration tests from unit tests in a Java project to run them independently. But how do you generate a combined code coverage metric? In this article you’ll discover exactly how, with a full example project which publishes Jacoco code coverage stats to SonarQube. Code coverage for unit tests A code coverage metric tells you what percentage of your proudction code is covered by tests. The higher the better....
There’s another side to Maven: a vital repository system serving up dependencies for the millions of daily Java builds.