Running Jenkins jobs in AWS ECS with slave agents

Learn how to run Jenkins jobs in slave Fargate containers in AWS ECS.

Published 29 Sep 2020 · 19 min read · Tom Gregory

Deploy your own production-ready Jenkins in AWS ECS

Discover all the pieces required to deploy a production-ready Jenkins master into AWS Elastic Container Service. You can take the best parts of the provided CloudFormation template, and apply them to your own setup.

Published 4 Aug 2020 · 18 min read · Tom Gregory

Deploying a Spring Boot application into AWS with Jenkins (part 3 of microservice devops series)

How to take a Docker image and deploy it into AWS Elastic Container Service.

Published 4 Apr 2020 · 14 min read · Tom Gregory

Building a Spring Boot application in Docker and Jenkins (part 2 of microservice devops series)

How to get a Spring Boot application running in a Docker container.

Published 29 Mar 2020 · 11 min read · Tom Gregory

Building a Spring Boot application in Jenkins (part 1 of microservice devops series)

Create a Spring Boot API application and build it in Jenkins every time a change is pushed.

Published 22 Mar 2020 · 13 min read · Tom Gregory

How To Secure Your Gradle Credentials In Jenkins

Setup credentials for your private repository using Jenkins credentials, and inject them into your Gradle builds.

Published 6 Dec 2019 · 12 min read · Tom Gregory