13 Key Gradle Fundamentals From A Hello World Project

In software languages and tools like Gradle, Hello World is the simplest example to get you started, before moving onto more advanced topics. But in our hurry to move on, we miss important lessons staring us in the face. Here are 13 key learnings from a Gradle Hello World project, forming the fundamentals of this powerful build tool. If you thought Gradle can be complicated, you’re right. It offers advanced features to satisfy LinkedIn, Netflix, and other companies operating at massive scale....

Published 14 Dec 2022 · 8 min read · Tom Gregory

The 6 best Gradle tutorials for beginners

So you want to get started with Gradle but you’re not sure where to begin? Here you’ll discover the 6 best Gradle tutorials for beginners, compared so you can pick the one to help you move forward with this build automation tool. If you’re looking for a feel-good article about all the great Gradle tutorials out there, this is not it. From my research, helpful Gradle tutorials are rare, and most of them have code examples that don’t work on the latest Gradle version....

Published 4 Oct 2021 · 11 min read · Tom Gregory

Gradle Tutorial for Complete Beginners

Have you heard of Gradle, but you’re not really sure what it is, why you should use it, and how to get started? This tutorial answers all of these questions and helps you take your first steps with this powerful build tool. In this Gradle tutorial you’ll learn: why we need help from build tools to build Java applications why Gradle is a great choice for building Java applications (better than Maven or custom scripts)...

Published 2 Oct 2021 · 22 min read · Tom Gregory

Anatomy of a Gradle build script: the key to understanding Gradle

Did you ever look at a Gradle build script and end up scratching your head? Even the simple ones can be tricky to understand if you don’t know the basic building blocks of the build.gradle file, the Gradle build script. To better understand Gradle, it’s helpful to know that the build script normally consists of nothing more than the following components. 1. Plugins Plugins are Gradle-specific bundles of functionality to enhance how it runs your build....

Published 11 Sep 2020 · 4 min read · Tom Gregory