How I Pre-Sold 62 Copies of My Ebook Before Writing a Single Word

Writing a book is daunting enough, but the thought of putting in so much effort only to sell zero copies is even more terrifying. Although I had a topic in mind, I wasn’t sure if anyone else would be interested in it. After 13 years working in software, I knew that many developers lacked critical internet knowledge, which often held them back in interviews and stunted their career growth. The question was: if I wrote a book to solve this problem, would anyone actually care?...

Published 24 Aug 2024 · 5 min read · Tom Gregory

The Truth About Being a Digital Nomad

35 million people now make the most of their location independence as digital nomads. But there are 3 categories of digital nomad, each with its pros and cons. Could one of these lifestyles work for you?

Published 11 Feb 2023 · 6 min read · Tom Gregory

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